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Monday, October 11, 2010

PBWorks Version 1.2

I would like to refer to " Lessons in learning, e-learning and Training" book written by Roger C. Schank.

On pp 7.0,
" Principle # 1: Just-in-time information delivery makes information useful...Or, dont tell people things that they can not immediately make use of.

What I can see from PBWorks is that we can have JIT information delivery by students' clicking on sending emails with PBWorks. In reality I do not believe that every information people put on PBWorks is all equally important. Therefore, PBWorks does not actually rank importance of document/idea. There should be a feature that important ideas are ranked and email can be set as automatic email alert instead of clicking one by one. It is tiring. PBworks, although prioritize ideas, does not send email based on priority of tasks so to speak. In real world, no one has time to read everything. How can PBWorks solve this problem?

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